Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Year In Delhi

Happy New Year 2014!

As I sit here contemplating the New Year coming in I decide I am going to count my blessings.  Here am I sitting in one of the most exciting, vibrant cities in the world and reflecting on the year that has just flown by.

2013 was an unusual year year for me in many ways; it started in misery and, at the end of it, I am sitting here feeling all optimistic.  Strange how things can turn out isn't it?  I think I'm going to take many life lessons from this year but the most important lesson I have learnt is that there is always a way to go, an option to take, a decision to make.  No matter how dark and threatening the situation appears, look again, and look again until you can see a way forward.

There have been times over the last few years that my resolve has dropped and I have mentally thrown in the towel.  I then wallowed in misery for a period of time, sometimes for several weeks, before kicking myself in the backside and moving forward.  I have had times where I just looked at the task in hand and thought - why, why push on, why do I even want to try?  However each time I slipped I found a reason to keep trying.

I know that there is a life lesson in all of this for me and I sure I'm going to find out why all this happened to me but at the moment I just too busy trying to find a way out of the mess I'm in to worry about that right now.

I have discovered there are lovely people all around all you have to do is look and they will show themselves.  I have noticed these people reveal themselves through chance meetings and casual incidents, therefore I had to open myself up to the opportunity before I could see these people and KNOW they were coming to me.  It is very freeing to know that the power to meet these people is with you, just ask, open yourself up and these people will come to you.  How wonderful is that?  I can now ask for anything and it happens for me.

I did this before coming to Delhi I consciously opened myself up to opportunities and I meditated on this for several weeks before flying out here.  I then took a decision to accept offers from people, to be open and friendly and then people came to me, slowly at first and then more quickly.  You wouldn't believe the difference in just a few short months.  I had very few friends before arrival in Delhi, even though I make friends very easily, but after arrival I started putting in the necessary effort to develop friendships and things have blossomed.  People now enjoy talking to me and they call me and want to be in my company.

Therefore to round off I will say I am feeling optimistic about the coming year and all I can say is BRING on 2014!! I hope the Lord smiles on each and every one of you - but remember you have to want Him to smile and demonstrate this by smiling first.  Open yourself up and take chances and opportunities that you may well have passed up previously.  I have discovered you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.  A life of boring mediocrity is no life at all - believe me I did it for five years and it sucks!!

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