Saturday, 28 December 2013

QBA Nu Delhi

Over the Christmas period in 2013 I went to two events at this club.  The first one was the Christmas Boogie Woogie night organised by Kalpana Mehra Penfold and the second was the Tag Christmas do.

I enjoyed both functions however there were problems with both - which is not a good sign.  On the Christmas Boogie Woogie the venue was shared among three or four separate parties.  The main floor downstairs was cleared for the night and was allocated to some school reunion for a boys school.  We were allocated an area in the balcony.
Which wasn't too bad as it was private and, because our drinks and food were all covered by the ticket charge then no one else could come and take these.  Problems began when we wanted to use the dance floor, the group downstairs didn't want us to use the floor so the management asked us to leave.  Of course they were told to get lost and the evening was a big success.
The second evening was a sponsored event by Tag.  This means that entry had been covered but we were responsible for our own food and drink, not a bad idea, but it meant the waiters were following you around and there didn't seem to be a way to pay for your drinks also the event wasn't well attended but I enjoyed it anyway.  On both visits the food was forgettable, not good, not bad just forgettable and the drinks (if you have to buy them) are on the pricey side. 

Its not a club I would recommend as there are much better, friendly places around Delhi that could be used for events.  However, if you are invited to an event then go as the live music I experienced there was good (a big loud for me) but the tunes were good.

Just a couple of pictures from the events I went to.  The lower one is the Christmas Boogie Woogie night and as you can see people make an effort in Delhi to get into the Christmas spirit.

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