Tuesday 24 December 2013

Sen5es Restaurant DGC visit 22nd Dec 2013

On the 22nd December 2013 the Delhi Gourmet Club (DGC) went to the Pullman Hotel in Gurgaon to have an event in the Sen5es Restaurant there.

On this occasion there was more than 100 DGC members in attendance.  The event was initially planned to be outdoors but the weather was not brilliant and it was decided to bring the party indoors to the Sen5es restaurant.  The restaurant was all, and more, than you would expect from a top notch hotel.  Great food, beautiful decorations and well trained staff.

We were greeted with drinks and smiles and everyone settled in for a lovely time.  It was only my second DGC event and already I was feeling at home.  People recognized me and came up for a chat which was very nice.  I also met a lot of new people and managed to form some good friendships with some of them.

Above are a few photos I put together.  The table I sat at was the largest (pictured above) and seemed to be the collecting point for people as they came and went.  As the food was served buffet style people would drop by and share one plate and then move off for the next round.  A very sociable way of getting to know people.  I have included a picture of the amazing seafood but I could have literally covered the page with amazing photos of the food.  There was so much the Pullman Hotel could have fed a small army!  The picture on the right shows Rocky, one of the three organizers of the DGC, with the very talented head chef at the restaurant.  I don't know his name as yet but I will try to find out and when I do I will edit the post as I feel his attention to detail is worthy of a mention.

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